AmigaOS3.5 (873/967)

From:Marion E. Wyatt
Date:27 May 2000 at 07:48:36
Subject:Re: AppIcon Gadget

On 26-May-00 at 15:22:21, wrote these words of wisdom:
> Hello
> On 26-Mai-00, you wrote:
>> This is a suggestion to any OS 3.5 devloper out there reading this
>> newsgoup:
>> I really like the new AppIcon gadget that is on the new programs
>> (like AmigaMail, EditPad, etc.) -- i.e. this is the third gadget that
>> is next to the Zoom gadget. I would like to see this gadget on all
>> Workbench windows and all of the other programs (i.e. clock,
>> mulitivew, etc).
> An AppIcon gadget? It's an iconify gadget and it's very useful.

Yup. I'd like to see it integrated into more of the OS utilities, tools, and
prefs programs since the OS is moving away from gadtools and towards
ReAction as the default GUI system (but I don't think that makes a
difference for an iconify gadget, right?)

Marion E Wyatt A3000 CSPPC/233+060/50 CV64/3D OS3.5 138MB 1+18.2GB ZIP100 Support commercial Only AMIGA Makes It Possible!
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